Modern music from Madagascar

Anio Artists
ANTSABEY - Four artists united in their passion for music and inspired by the rich musical traditions and rhythms of southwest Madagascar.
Djahmyll: guitar & voice
Rebela: guitar & voice
Abdillah: bass & voice
Do: drums & voice
Music & lyrics: Djahmyll Rasolondraibe Arrangement: Maximin Njava
Based in Tuléar, the ensemble grew out of the Atsimozika musical project in 2017, initiated and supported by the Vakok’Arts collective and the Alliance Française.
In 2021, the band performed at the leading venues of the capital, Antananarivo, and recorded their first album, Roso, produced by Maximin Njava.
Anio Artists
D'Gary, Monika Njava, Joël Rabesolo
A trio of musical stars from Madagascar. Honored at home and acclaimed abroad.
Anio Artists
Monika’s album Haizina (Darkness) marks her return as a solo artist.
As uncompromising as ever, she sings about the poverty, injustice and corruption suffered by her people. Supporting her powerful, emotional voice are the rhythms of southern Madagascar flavored by the rock and soul she grew up with.